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Monday, 31 January 2011

Are you ready for Photo Ready?

Revlon Photo Ready make up is the newest of their new line foundations, so I thought I would try it out.

The opening begins with a lid to reduce spillage in the bag (maxfactor should really pick this technique up) and a plastic pump to help the make out come out easily and promptly, although I can see this resulting in a splurgy situation when the bottle runs low on content. 

It appears quite dewy on application but after it has been properly applied and rubbed into the skin it settles in nicely and stands the test of time as when I tried it out at work, I found myself only running into the staff room for reapplication once out of a nine hour shift. 

When I mentioned the foundation to a fellow blogger Zoe, of The London Lipgloss at work she said it was supposed to be good but did have the Edward Cullen factor of glitter and I can't say she was wrong! Under synthetic lighting you are fine, but as soon as you step out into the sunlight your face does seem to 'twinkle' in certain lights, so lets hope they don't run after you with pitchforks and werewolves. 

Let me know your thoughts on the foundation!

Sophie xo

A newer start

Hi everyone, and thanks for coming to my brand new blog! I've been debating the switch to blogger for a while, as I am by nature a writer, and not a photographer so I'm not too sure that tumblr made a great deal of sense to me. Although I love it dearly for introducing me to the marvel that is blogging and now I hope to expand my portfolio of work, followers and everything else!

Okay so I hope everything is good I thought I would give an update. I got a job as a freelance contributor to British Style Bloggers so you should look for some of my pieces on there in the near future, I'm super excited about it! I also got a real life job that gives me money (always a good thing) in Gap, I've been working there for about a week and a half and everyone is quite lovely. I also have a dandy little book that taught me about cool stuff like visual merchandising which is something I would really like to get into in the future!

For those of you that don't know me, or are a newcomer to my blogging, HI FRIEND. Yeah so this is what I look like:

I like moomins and very sparkly things. 
I'm a freelancer for Soundblab, Push it Magazine, I've interned for quite a few contrasting companies in the fashion industry and I'd like to be a writer or PR for a fashion company one day. 

I have the loveliest boyfriend in the entire world. He's a geek don't you know. 

So yes I hope you like my blog lovelies. 

Sophie xo
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