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Monday, 31 January 2011

A newer start

Hi everyone, and thanks for coming to my brand new blog! I've been debating the switch to blogger for a while, as I am by nature a writer, and not a photographer so I'm not too sure that tumblr made a great deal of sense to me. Although I love it dearly for introducing me to the marvel that is blogging and now I hope to expand my portfolio of work, followers and everything else!

Okay so I hope everything is good I thought I would give an update. I got a job as a freelance contributor to British Style Bloggers so you should look for some of my pieces on there in the near future, I'm super excited about it! I also got a real life job that gives me money (always a good thing) in Gap, I've been working there for about a week and a half and everyone is quite lovely. I also have a dandy little book that taught me about cool stuff like visual merchandising which is something I would really like to get into in the future!

For those of you that don't know me, or are a newcomer to my blogging, HI FRIEND. Yeah so this is what I look like:

I like moomins and very sparkly things. 
I'm a freelancer for Soundblab, Push it Magazine, I've interned for quite a few contrasting companies in the fashion industry and I'd like to be a writer or PR for a fashion company one day. 

I have the loveliest boyfriend in the entire world. He's a geek don't you know. 

So yes I hope you like my blog lovelies. 

Sophie xo

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